Salmon and Bottom fish Charters Departing Directly From Seattle Washington

Winter Salmon Run

Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- a women fishing a fish

Seattle Steelhead fishing or Winter Blackmouth Salmon fishing


The short winter season now usually happens in March and April. Chech our online Calendar for available dates or contact us. Winter Blackmouth Salmon fishing in Puget Sound departs directly out of Seattle and offers an excellent alternative to winter steelhead fishing without traveling to distant river destinations or when high water conditions take away your Steelhead fishing options. “Blackmouth” are juvenile King Salmon that are feeding in Puget Sound all year around. The peak months for these juvenile Chinook (King) Salmon are November, December and January and can be very productive any time of year that it’s open for targeting Chinook. I know that it’s confusing that King Salmon have so many names: King, Chinook, Blackmouth, Springs, Feeder Kings and Tyee are the most common. Look at our “Fishing Reports” page to see recent and historical reports and find out when you might want to fish for winter Blackmouth in Seattle Washington with Captain Carl on the Fishwitch

The most common technique for catching these winter Salmon is to troll near the bottom in 100 to 130 feet of water. We use plastic squid, spoons, plugs or herring on 20 lb test rigs about 6 to 20 feet behind a downrigger ball. The downrigger is a temporary weight used to keep the lure down deep while trolling. The downrigger weight releases the line when a fish strikes and the fish is then played on the fishing pole to a hand held landing net along side the boat. We often use rubber landing nets to reduce stress on the fish in case it is released. Catching Winter Blackmouth is a staple winter time activity for Seattle Washington fishing charters operating in the Puget Sound region, much like winter Steelhead fishing.

Blackmouth : Juvenile King Salmon: November 1 - April 15

Open Season Varies Year to Year. Please check SEASONS PAGE

A lot of nice fish are caught on cold winter days.
December, January and February are usually the peak months for these hungry juveniles.
March and April can also be quite good.
Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- A man holding two fish
Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- group friends fishing a fish
From October through April our Seattle Washington fishing charters can access this great winter Salmon fishery on Puget Sound for juvenile King salmon that locals call Blackmouth. These fish range from little trout sized kids up to 20 pounds and the average keeper of around 5 to 7 lbs will vary through the winter.
Minimum size for these juvenile Chinook salmon is 22 inches and the average keeper is probably 25 or 26 inches. Though many of the fish landed may be under the 22′ size limit, some will top 33 inches in length.
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