Salmon and Bottom fish Charters Departing Directly From Seattle Washington

The Boats

Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- A man carries fish in his hand

The Boats

 The FISHWITCH built in Bellingham Washington is a hard top express Uniflite Salty Dog 28 forward cabin with V Berth, Galley and Head (bathroom) ample deck space, even a coffee maker and microwave.  Powered by a 7.4 Liter gas inboard main engine, we often troll on the quiet and clean 9.9HP 4 stroke Yamaha guided by the Garmin TR-1 Autopilot system with wireless remote control.

Of course all boats are equipped with the best fish finding and navigating equipment including Lowrance sonar and GPS as well as Raymarine Radar and GPS Chart Nav displays for optimum safety plus fish and structure locating. Penn Electric Downriggers, CB radio and VHF radio round off these comfortable fishing machines. Of course all of this would not be complete without the most friendly and experienced Captains in Puget Sound.
      • GPS

      • Electronic Charts

      • Fish Finding Sonar

      • Radar for Safety

      • VHF and CB Radio

      • Ritchie Ships Compass

      • Life Jackets and Flares

      • Electric Downriggers

      • Private Bathroom

      • Coffee Maker

      • Microwave

      • 110 Volt Power

      • 360 HP Inboard Engine

      • Yamaha Trolling Motor

Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- A man driving a boat
This Boat is Best for Three or Four Anglers The open deck is perfect for an intimate connection with your surroundings and suitable for “Drift Mooching” which is Justin’s specialty. Holding the rod, working the bait and feeling the strike. Justin’s specialty is the small and intimate group, personalized experience and hands on instruction.

Justin’s Boat keeps it simple: 21 foot Grady White center console built for open space! (There actually is a porta-potty that slides under the console.)

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