Salmon and Bottom fish Charters Departing Directly From Seattle Washington


Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- Friends and fishing time

Seattle Fishing Seasons, Salmon and Bottom Fishing Seasons

The saltwater fringes of Seattle Washington have fish biting any time of year. King Salmon and Coho Salmon are the most often targeted sport fish in Puget Sound. Salmon Seasons have become shorter in recent years to protect specific stocks while other stocks remain very abundant. It is at that time that we usually focus on bottom fishing for Flounder, Lingcod or Dungeness Crab. We may also fish catch and release for Salmon at times. Please look below to see when you might like to fish.
Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- Fishing calender
Spring Salmon season Opens April 2 WED-SAT (Blackmouth).

Flounder Year Around

Lingcod and/or Flounder May 1-June 15

Summer Salmon June 1-November 15

Winter Chinook could close early if season quotas are caught. You will be notified with options if this happens.

 Salmon is closed in May so we have LINGCOD or Flounder  Only or Combo.

Summer Salmon season usually opens June 1st for Coho and July 16 for Kings but can vary.

(Seasons announced in mid-April)

While the chart below reflects the peak run times, it does not necessarily show when seasons are open. You may book your trip based on the information on this page. If we have concerns about available fishing options on your date we will contact you to provide options.

If a season gets changed or closed you will have the option to reschedule or cancel and be refunded.

We have a strong history of providing a quality experience regardless of the species available.

If you have any concerns please contact us before you book.

Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- A man holding with a fish
Sand Dabs (Flounder) Open year around, Best May through October
Dungeness Crab open July 1st through Labor Day (First Monday in September), Some years it re-opens October, November.

Kings: The Mature Chinook Salmon run peaks in early August and run from mid June through the end of August in Puget Sound. Kings are the prize of every serious salmon angler. You don’t have to be an expert to land one, but it doesn’t hurt to go fishing with an expert.

Blackmouth: These “Blackmouth” are Juvenile King Salmon that live in Puget Sound all year around and provide the best winter Salmon fishing November through April (Recent years only open late winter)

Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- A Man Standing with a Fish

Silvers: (Coho Salmon) Run June through October and peak in September

Silvers provide some of the hottest action of the year. Limits for everyone by 9 or 10 am is quite common. The average size of 6 lbs. Is not as big as Kings but lots of activity often makes up the difference. Later season Coho are larger than early season.
Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- After fishing and five friends
Pinks: (Also called Humpies) Pink Salmon run every two years during ODD YEARS ONLY (2025, 2027 and so on) around August 1st to September 15th and usually show up in ridiculously high numbers.
Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- A man carries two big fish

Blackmouth : Juvenile King Salmon: October 16 - April 30

SEASON SLASHED! Now Expect March and/or April. Check our online calendar or contact us for the most current regs.

A lot of nice fish have been caught on cold winter days.

Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- A man carries a big fish


Honestly, the most productive bottom fishing in Washington and most liberal seasons and limits are found in the much rougher Pacific Ocean ports such as Westport, but the much calmer Puget Sound does have some decent botomfish options.

Lingcod and Cabezon: May 1-June 15

Flounder: Open year around but only active Spring and Summer

The month of May is usually good for Ling Cod
We usually bottom fish when salmon is closed such as April 15-May 30 but can also bottom fish at other times.
Click here for more info about Ling Cod

Fish Finders Seattle Fishing Charters- A man holding with crab
Dungeness Crab seasons can vary. Typically the summer season is July 1 though Labor Day, closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The winter season October through December or January and is usually open 7 days a week. On these crabbing trips we will “soak” 2 to 4 crab pots and check each pot one to three times. Checking a crab pot can be very exciting because you never know what you’ll get! We typically offer the crabbing as a backup plan on private charters and during times when Salmon is slow or closed. Call or email for details.
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